This past weekend I was fortunate to spend with a long-time friend. I accompanied her on a business trip so that she wouldn't be driving alone and we had plenty of free time to fill on the long drive and between meetings.
I have known Shelly since the beginning of high school. I have always admired her vim and vigor for life. She is one of those people that loves to be active and busy. She not only runs, bikes, and all the normal stuff but loves pickle ball and even had a skydiving adventure this past summer! As we reminisced this weekend, we spent plenty of high school days in my orange Datsun B210 and eating Taco Bell. (Who doesn't eat Taco Bell 24/7 when you are in high school? Don't judge!)We currently live in the same city and see each other with some regularity, but now we had an entire, glorious weekend!
We talked our heads off!
Honestly, before I even got into the car we were chatting and except for sleeping, I don't think we stopped....the entire weekend.
It was wonderful.
May God bless you each with a good friend that you can share your life with and not hold back. It is so wonderful to be yourself, say what your feeling, and not be judged. My friend and I caught up on the many years we have been in different locations, we commiserated about struggles and what we learned, we talked about our goals and dreams and what we are looking forward to in the future.
What a gift to have someone to bounce ideas around! A friend to validate and give helpful critique in the most supportive and graceful way is one of God's richest gifts. I am so blessed to be able to say that I have a handful of these friends, and I am grateful for each and every one. To be able to have even ONE of these confidantes is a miracle. They just don't come along all the time.
If you are struggling with life and feel cornered with no outlet, I highly suggest you grab your special friend and get somewhere quiet. Go somewhere that is unique or a place you don't go very often and just let the words flow. Be yourself. Be open. Listen. Talk. Be honest. No need to try to fix anything. Just air it out and let your mind be free. It is amazing how it opens the doors and windows to new thoughts, fresh ideas, and a new and deep appreciation for that special friend.
"Best counseling session I've ever known is to be with a true friend." Laura Holzbach