Saturday, June 27, 2015

Real Gurl Life....for real!

It is with joyful heart that I begin making Real Gurl Life come alive!  For over five years I have carried this dream in my heart. This week it finally appears to be on the verge of reality. I am giddy with excitement!

As you can read from the blog description above and the personal profile to the left, Real Gurl Life is all about living authentically.  It is sounds good to say but so much more difficult to do. When we are brave enough to be our true selves, then we can be truly happy.  Many folks never find this "sweet" spot in life.  It isn't perfect, but it sure feels good!

If you are wondering what credentials I have to bring to facilitate this program, I will say that this is a question I often ask myself. The resume is less than stellar, but here is what I have got:  I have a couple years of community college studying psychology.  I have worked through The Genesis Process with a small group successfully.  I then became a facilitator of the same, working with three groups weekly to move through the process of change.  I have raised a family.  I have worked in office administration for most of my life.  I have also spent some time in health insurance, web design, and most recently, physicians billing.  Oh, and I have a dog.  Does that count?

Seriously none of these things add up to credentials as considered by the world and yet, ALL of these things ARE my credentials.  Some people call it the "School of Hard Knocks." I call it "Surviving Ground Zero Moments and Living to Tell About It."

All I know is that when I successfully completed my turn in The Genesis Process and turned to being a facilitator, my whole being came to life. I felt awake.  I knew I had found something that I loved to do and I was pulled towards it like a magnet. I knew that I was completely fulfilled doing it.  There has not been one day that has passed since that I have not been yearning to help other women find the freedom that I found, in spite of everything I did to wreck it.

Real Gurl Life is in the process of becoming and it is thrilling to me to be able to talk about it beginning!

Here is a sneak-peek at the upcoming offerings!

First Look - This is a FREE, one-time introductory meeting with an overview of Real Gurl Life, course of study, types of help, and friendship building too.  
Commitment:  75 minutes  Cost:  FREE  Size of class:  Unlimited.

Explore - This a 4-week class that hits the highlights of personal change, offering common sense tools and exercises to assist in bringing life back into balance with authenticity and grace. Presented with a focus on family relationships and friendships.  Commitment: 75 minutes weekly.  Size of class:  maximum of 12.  Cost:  TBA

Dig Deep - This course is in two parts.  Each part is 12-weeks long and do not have to be concurrent, although preferred.  It is an in-depth, serious approach to discovering what holds you back from authenticity and how to create change that can last.  This class requires commitment to attendance, homework, and respect and confidentiality among group members. Commitment:  90 minutes for a 12-week session; two sessions required to complete the course. Class size will not exceed four participants.  Cost:  TBA  Required: Workbook and Bible.

Mining Me - This is an individual option when you desire one-on-one mentoring.  These can be ongoing, scheduled, weekly, or random and are at the request of the participant. This confidential time allows for open and honest talk with an emphasis on the individual needs.  Focus is on the life-path of the individual and evaluating options for moving forward into a fulfilling life.  

Seminars - Ranging from a range of books like TrueFaced or topics like co-dependency, plans are for a seminar to be held several times a year.  At times, guest speakers will also be invited.

Speaking Engagements -It is possible that your women's group is in need of a speaker for an event.  Please do not hesitate to ask!

Announcement coming soon about a First Look class to be held this summer! Stay Tuned!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Never Miss a Good Chance

In my humble opinion, which is worth less than nothing, it is always wise to find out the facts prior to submitting opinions. That is, if your opinion is even necessary at all. 

Between politics, water-cooler conversations, and basic family drama, I think it is safe to say that no opinion, verbally or written, is safe.  Treading lightly is generally a good idea because there is always gonna be someone who does not share your particular viewpoint. In fact, I submit to you, that as many people are in a conversation, there will be no less than that many points of view.  Seriously, I have witnessed some of my "distant" relatives change their opinion 3-4 times in one conversation. That really ups the drama!

Sometimes, and I am pointing to myself as I write this, it is just better to minimize the sharing. Swapping stories and sharing soda are good times. An all-out argument over the color of a dress on the internet, well, not so much. I enjoy a good Dr. Phil smart-ism and this, one of my favorites, I offer up for just these types of situations:  Never miss a good chance to shut up!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Just. Be. You.

Far too often I am swayed by others on how I should see myself.  For some reason, Brain thinks it knows EVERYTHING others are thinking, seeing, feeling, and believing.  Then, it dictates to me and I believe every single word.

If you are like me, then you have a difficult time seeing when you are being impacted by others' opinions.  We do it so often that, sadly, it has become second nature to be untrue to the Real Gurl who lives inside.  Sometimes it seems we willingly take on this heavy cloak that is only filled with a desperation to be accepted.  I will admit, approval is my middle name and this happens to me far too often.  I, for one, am sick of it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Star Light, Star Bright

Star light, star bright
Wish I may, wish I might
Have the wish
I wish tonight.

Have you ever seen a shooting star?  I have often wanted to see one but I never expect to witness it.  Shooting stars seem very elusive.  I have often thought I had to be somewhere special to see one....somewhere like a high mountain or even, Alaska.

However, one night at the end of summer last year, I had a sighting.  It came, along with such a spiritual "feeling" that it was just for me, that it has become a treasured memory and I think about it often.

My shooting star looked much like this one.
It was on the evening of September 28, 2014 and I was outside on the deck with the dogs. I looked up at the sky and studied the stars for a while. I studied the twinkling specks, admiring the flickering of the stars against the dark, night sky.  I viewed the beauty with suspect eyes not wanting to be taken in by just a passing airplane. Doesn't it seem like the more you stare into the dark sky the more vivid the stars become?