"Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them.
And a friend will not say never, 'cause the welcome will not end.
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends."
God has blessed me with a few wonderful friends. The kind that you may not see for a while but when you do, you start talking as if there has been no space or time. The type that know all about you and love you anyway. The ones who tell it to you straight but you don't mind because you know how much they care about you. At times they know you better than you know yourself and can see when you don't know what to do.
Friends like this are difficult to come by. But I would rather have one good friend like this than millions chanting my name.
Dear God, Today I am especially grateful for the precious friends you have blessed me with in my life. You knew, God, that there would be times when a physical being could comfort me as a representative of You and Your love. I have felt that several times in the last 24 hours. Help me to give of what I receive to the friends in my life who need my love and care. Please help me to mindful of those around me. I am grateful and thank you for the Forever Friends You have given to me. Amen.