My mind travels back to January 1, 2016. I was sitting in a booth, having lunch with my friend, Rhona. We were openly sharing our lives and the events of 2015. We talked about things we wanted to do better and goals for the coming year. I had read my journal from the year before and the entries were almost identical. I was still struggling with the same issues. I was ashamed to admit that I was in the same, exact, place as the year before. There was no growth, and surely nothing exciting on the horizon. I tried to quickly cover my shame by acknowledging that I wanted this year, 2016, to be different. I talked all tough and strongly asserted that I did not want another year to pass and not have something to show for it.
Rhona, is wise as a dove. She asked all the right questions and listened with intent, until she found growth that she could point out to me. I had made amends to 9 people in December and when she heard about that, she said, "See that right there? That's growth!"
(Can I just tell you that everyone needs a Rhona in their life?)
Making amends with those 9 people was difficult, and not all of the efforts were successful. It took me aback to consider that maybe I had accomplished something after all. As always, Rhona made me see the situation in a different way. I smiled a little bit. Maybe, just maybe, I WAS moving forward.
There's plenty of time to make a change. |
Real Gurl Life started off slooooowwww and I am one of those Fast-Food Life-Change people....I want it fast and now! However, the slowness has made it better as it allowed for new people to have input making way for better decisions, fresh ideas, and new options to come to light.
As an example, Real Gurl Life has a small, but working board. Shelly Patrick and Amanda Garcia could not have been better choices to serve as directors. They have proven themselves to be thoughtful, smart, encouraging, team members. More than once I have been sweetly surprised by their offerings of support. When I have felt like, "what's the use" they have guided me back to basics and stopped me from biting off more than I can chew. These ladies share the work and we each take on what matches our skillset. Together, we made a list and I am working on it!
I am also diligently pursuing health and new relationships with others. This is very uplifting too, as I see my quality of health is going forward with purpose. I am also rebuilding old relationships and start brand new ones as well! All of this adds up to a general feeling of well-being.
What does this all mean? Day 78 in a leap year means (according to Google) that there are 291 days left. Progress, at any rate, is progress, right? With the support of others you can accomplish more than if you try it alone. Who knows what the next 291 days could hold?
This is my best advice. |