Saturday, October 15, 2016
The Desires of Your Heart
Happy Sunday!
I have been in church my whole life and have heard this Psalm many times. I always loved it because 1) I loved any verse about the heart and 2) it promised me that God would give me the "desires" of my heart.
The desires of my heart.
Really? If I just delight in Him then I will get all the things I wish for? That just seemed too good to be true. So I placated myself with the thought that it surely meant that God knew what was best and that He would only let me have what was good for me. That's child-like, simplistic thinking for you.
It wasn't until many years later, I was cleaning house and right as I stood up from wiping a wall down, I saw our ceramic wall hanging with this very verse on it. I was stopped in my tracks. I felt like I was just seeing it for the very first time. I said aloud to myself, "Why, He doesn't mean He will give me the desires of my heart! He means the desires of my, God will actually put the desires in my heart. He will give me the desires that I should have!
I know, right? It takes some people a while. But hey, it's still a good word to remember. God is not a piggy bank, or a good fairy to call upon at will. When we live as He calls us to live, we are delighting in Him and He will give us the desires of our hearts, or the passions that so fulfill our lives. He is a good, good, Father!
Delight in Him every day. Let God be your Father and fill your heart with the desires and passions that are your calling so that you will live a fulfilling life with Him like you have never known!