Friday, October 23, 2015

It's True...Believe with me!

This was on my newsfeed on Facebook today and upon seeing it I knew it had to be shared! 

Think about this today:
In God's garden of grace, even broken trees bear fruit.

God can make all of us bear fruit for Him. We may think we are broken, useless, run-down, disqualified- but we are the treasures of God and He longs for us to know that He loves us, and He desires to use us for His purposes. -Rick Warren

No matter how many times we have experienced crushing storms, broken limbs, stripped bark, and become a barren, lone-standing tree....because of His love and care for us, we can still bear fruit. Don't give up, friend! You have something to offer, a gift to share with others. What you have is a gift that no one else can share quite like you!

Because of God's grace, we are worthy and acceptable. Do not let others determine your worth or value. There is a purpose and a plan for everything. It will bring you to that fruitful place.

I am believing for this too. I am not what I once was and I am not yet all that I will be!